Acme Mobile App vs Our Batch BarCode Scanner

Do you need the Acme Point of Sale Mobile App, the Batch Barcode Scanner or both? This table will help you decide!


Acme Point of Sale Mobile App

Batch Barcode Scanner
With laser scanner on this device:

The difference starts with the devices:

Android Mobile Computer w/Scanner

The mobile app can run on computers, tablets, phones, and dedicated devices like the one shown above. The one above has a built-in laser scanner. If you use your phone you "scan" with your camera. The app works on Windows,  Android and iOS.

Batch Scanner

The batch scanner communicates with Acme Desktop application, via a docking station. Acme desktop runs on Windows 10 or newer computers.


Runs on your smartphone or dedicated device, instantly updating Acme via your store's WIFI

Uses USB docking station
to batch upload data. Uses Smart Sync so you can work while the store is open.

Use for transaction Item and
quantity entry, aka "lane busting".


Rapid Counting of Inventory

Create Purchase Order
aka Cruise Purchasing. Enter quantities in stocking UOM and if need be,
change it on the worksheet.

Receive Purchase Order
Mobile app uses stocking UOM always.
Batch scanner can use stocking or purchasing UOM, you can decide on per-batch basis.

Add (setup) new items in inventory


View, edit and add List Price
and Special Prices to items


Copy any Price Code to TPR


Print special signs, quantity break signs, product labels and shelf labels


Easily check and change List Price and on hand quantity, then print new shelf label.


Work seamlessly with Acme Bar Code Detective to source item information and images. Includes ABCD subscription a $19 / month value


Number of concurrent users

Unlimited per Store

Not applicable

Cost per month per store


No additional cost per month

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